Five for Friday and Freebie 7/18

I am linking up with Doodle Bugs for Five for Friday and Teaching Blog Addict for Freebie Friday.
I want to share some fun highlights of my week and a grammar freebie from my Teachers Pay Teachers Store.
This is just a funny story. Yesterday when we took Potumus to dance class, Shmurtz and I went to get Biggby. She got a blueberry pomegranate smoothie, and I got an iced coffee. She didn't drink all of hers, so it went in the fridge when she got home. Dear hubby moved some stuff around to try and get a bottle out of the back of the fridge and said smoothie went ALL OVER. Look at that damage!
Let it be known that blueberry pomegranate smoothies are one of the messiest concoctions out there. All hubby and I could do was laugh as we cleaned the entire fridge (guess it needed it anyways) and got stuck to the floor.
I have been working on making over my classroom and have done three posts so far. Check them out at Classroom Transformation III. This shelf, however, has been posing some trouble. I am doing a purple, lime, and black theme. This is how we started out:
I just got this shelf from a retiring teacher's room. I was going to paint it, but all my other shelves are wood, so I am not sure. It sits under my front board, which we use a lot. I have a bunch of bins, but I don't know what will go in them yet :)
I got some purple baskets this week for a dollar a piece and LOVE them. They fit well on the shelves.

My Facebook friends have been helping me work through this one. I like symmetry, so I am trying to make it that way. I bought two more purple and a white yesterday to try and fix this.
Any suggestions would be welcomed.
Loaded Baked Potato Casserole
Hubby is a chef, and I have learned a lot about food in our eight years of marriage. I am becoming a decent cook because of him. I found this recipe a few months ago on Pinterest, have made it three times now, and it is becoming a family favorite.
Hash-browns, sour cream, milk, cheese, bacon bits, and seasoning.
Mix it all up
Sorry it is kind of blurry
Add more cheese and bake.
Sorry I don't have a baked photo, but the girls couldn't wait to eat.
I just had the last of it for breakfast today.
I have a pretty awesome husband and no green thumb. Both my mother and grandfather can grow things like crazy, but I am notorious for killing things. I actually killed all the lovely houseplants that hubby had when we met.
My mother gave me some clippings from a plant at her house. I handed them over to hubby; I killed the basil plant already. He gave me strict instructions not to touch, move, or breathe on them. I am hoping to take one to my classroom and put my TA in charge of not killing it.
Aren't they growing nicely?
Finally to my Friday Freebie.
I actually enjoy teaching my grammar unit. I had a wonderful English teacher for 8th, 10th, and 12th grade who made grammar make sense. I think my OCD likes all the rules and categories for things.
I also teach my English student sentence diagramming as way to visually help them make sense of grammar. I know some may say it is archaic, but it works for me.
Here is a sample from my grammar unit (which I am working on for TPT) for you to try out.
Check out the other posts: