The Together Teacher Chapter 3 To Do List
Last summer I read The Together Teacher by Maia Heyck-Merlin.
I have to say that this should be a MUST read for all new teachers, but even me, after ten and a half years of teaching, I am learning some amazing new tricks.
Well, I just spent an hour working on finding a good app for my to do list...Astrid is what I have had for years, but itsn't supported online. I like everything in Google, but Tasks doesn't have an app. I have installed Wunderlist twice, but it doesn't play with Google. GTasks is what I am going to work from now. I have lost some of my favorite features with Astrid...I could keep using it, but without a desktop option...grrr
I suppose this is much like when the school system switched to Gmail from Novell...I was aggrivated, but I am good with it now. Time will heal this wound too.
Now she also talks about taking care of the many notes, slips, and lists you have. This is just the small sample I had with me in the car while the girls were at dance to begin working with.
She asks us how many places our to-do live in...ha ha ha...the pictures above say it all.
I her line "empty your brain" idea because it is so very nice to get everything where it won't be forgotten. I am not doing the best job of emptying my brain into one place...hence the sticky notes and three lists above.
Once I decided on a new app and collected all my lists and notes, I sat down to put them into my new app. GTasks syncs right to my Google Tasks, so I can use my phone or my computer to edit the lists.
I currently have lists for home, school, technology, and blog/TPT.
Then began the long process of getting rid of all the pieces of paper and putting everything in one place......DONE!
She wants a place for everything, which I have, but the problem is finding it again when I need it. I am having the same issue with my Google Drive right now, but that is a whole different project.
I always have ideas for changing things for next year, but I never have a spot to write them. I think that will be the next thing I work on, so I have started a list for that too.
Tackle that To-Do List
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