Five for Friday 3/13

6:52 PM Sarah Koves 1 Comments

FOREVER it has been since I last linked up with Doodlebugs Teaching for Five for Friday.

This week I tried something new in my AP Psychology and Civics classes.  I know kids get so   ANNOYED TIRED of hearing me talk through what they have already read, and I am tired of doing all the work.  This week I changed it up!  

We had a short unit in psychology on personality, so I really didn't have time to go over the whole ppt with them as it usually takes three or four days, and some of them don't listen.  Instead I posted it on Google Classroom. (If you are a Google Apps for Education school and you haven't used this yet, check out my post).  I then had students pair up-easy given they are two at a table-grab a Chromebook, and look through the ppt.

Then each pair had to create a set of 10 multiple choice questions and free response question in the style of the AP Exam.  In Civics I had them do 5 multiple choice questions and written response.

We talked about right there, interpretation, and application type questions.  I posted examples on Google Classroom for them to use as models.  Each class also went over the distractors in multiple choice questions.

It looks like the pairs all got it done in the 1.5 days in class- 1/2 the time it takes me to yak at them.

Not only did they get a coverage of the material after they read the chapter and did their own notes, but they got to become test writers in order to more clearly understand how the tests are set up.

The best parts were they were engaged the whole time, and I have quiz and review questions that I didn't have to write.

Yeah for students doing most of the work!

Some of you know that I am a Girl Scout leader.  I was a scout from 1st-8th grade and LOVED every minute of it.  I discovered this wonderful site this week.

There is all kinds of vintage scout stuff on there.  However, the best part was the catalog of all the Girl Scout camps in every state.  This includes the ones that are closed.  There are pictures, newspaper clippings, and badges.  If you were ever a scout, go take a look and maybe add send something in to share.

I have had the pleasure this week to get to know Stephanie from Electric English on TPT.  I purchased her Mark Twain product last week and am gearing up to do a post about it.  She has also graciously agreed to let me give away one of her products.  Stay tuned for this product review.  In the mean time, go check out her store FULL of secondary English goodies.

After many years of wanting to post my parts of speech products on my Teachers Pay Teachers store, they are locked and loaded.  I finished the first round of posting on these this week.  It was a major undertaking, but my OCD helped me make it happen in an orderly fashion.

The full set can be found as my Parts of Speech Unit.  You can also grab each sheet or part of speech individally.

Get a little taste with my freebie Adjective and Adverb Quiz.

The last, and probably best, part of my week was finding out that Sarah from Tales of Teaching with Tech was my SLANT partner again this month.  Fate is telling us to be blogging besties.

We were paired up in December, and I received the most AMAZING box of gifts from her.  I can't wait to send her some teacher love.  Be sure to swing by her blog and check her out.  We are planning something fun for March, so stay-tuned.

Tales of Teaching with Tech

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