Five for Friday 8/29

8:53 AM Sarah Koves 0 Comments

I am linking up again this with with Doodle Bugs Teaching for Five for Friday.

I discovered two more real-life friends that blog.

My sorority sister Angel has a great blog that she write about home and family.  She includes wonderful family history and recipes.  Check her out at: Downtoearthangel.

Carlie is a friend from high school, and I have to say that her blog was the first one I ever read.  She is mom to four boys and write about her adventures. She has a wonderful way with words.  Check her out at: Twinklingalong

I tried to find pictures on my computer of me with these two ladies, and I realize as we were friends long before digital photography was big, I don't have any digital ones.  Maybe I can find some and make them digital later today.

I went shopping yesterday to find a dress for the first day of school on Tuesday.  I only own like three real dresses for school.  I have a few dressier ones, but they are from years ago and they aren't really school-style.  They may not actually fit any more.

Shmurtz and I went to Kohls and walked around picking up anything either of us liked or that was a dress even if we didn't like it.  Yes, I let my six year old help me pick out clothes; she is quite the fashionista.  When we had been through all the racks, we headed to dressing room.

Smurtz tried on the sweaters I picked up although they were too big for her, and I proceeded to wade through the stack we had picked up.  I did try on this animal print dress she picked out, but it was out of my price range.

I walked away with four dresses (all of which were on clearance) and two tops.  I also got two Star Wars t-shirts for dear hubby.

Which one should I wear on day one?

Now to buy a pair of shoes...

I finally got around to using the Jamberry sample that Christi from Plaid Apple sent me.  I was skeptical about this, but I am now on day five, and I might have a new favorite product.

Applying the one on my right hand was a little challenge, but once I figured it out and got the rough edges smoothed, I am so very happy.

I never paint my finger nails because I hate the way the polish looks by day two.  I tried these on my pinky fingers, but my other sample will go on a more productive finger.  I already have the styles I want to buy picked out.

We recently became a two cat family, but Twitch is still my little boy.  He loved to climb in bags: grocery bags, the girls' backpacks, laundry bags, but his favorite is ALWAYS my school bag, so he is happy it is back to school time.

He is ready to go back to school.

I know that I am finally ready for school to start on Tuesday because I have my Jolly Rancher stash ready.  This tradition started with my father, who was a high school math teacher for years.  He always kept Jolly Ranchers in his desk.  He made it a point of sharing this idea with me telling me that students and parents have a hard time being grumpy when they were just given candy.

So in honor of him I start every year by handing out Jolly Ranchers to my classes.

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