Five for Friday 8/1 and a Freebie

7:49 AM Sarah Koves 2 Comments

I can't believe it it is August already...where did summer go?

In preparation for my family reunion, I bought a luggage rack for my car, which dear hubby then had to install.

Needless to day, what he thought would be a 15 minute project actually took several hours.

We did manage to get the car carrier on the vehicle, and we are safely traveling...

I finished a great book this week, and I started another one.

These are just my non-teacher reading.

Supreme Justice was surprisingly a great read with lots of historically accurate information.  It really shows the workings on the government and Supreme Court.  I might be interested in using this is Civics next year.

Best part is they were free on Amazon.

I saw a very dear friend in Les Miserables, which I also was seeing for the first time.

She played Whore #1...I was so proud.

My dad made me a new pen holder.  See posts here and here.

Sorry it is blurry, but I was trying to snap pictures around him working.  I'll be taking it to work in a couple weeks, set it up, and will show you.

This was one of many projects I completed this week.  Check out my Monday Made It this coming week to see them all.

My Freebie:

This is a graphic organizer for students to use in defining the traits of a hero and listing examples of these traits.  I have used this for many novels and stories including The Odyssey, Holes, and The Once and Future King.

Be sure to follow me while you are there!

Check out the rest of the Five for Friday posts:

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