An Organized Freezer: 5 for Friday Style
Linking up for the first time this summer with Doodlebugs Teaching for Five for Friday.
This all began two days ago when I couldn't figure out what to make for dinner, so I went to the store even though we have a full chest freezer in the basement and are ordering another 1/4 side of beef. That evening I came to the realization that I needed to do something about this lack of food planning on my part.
If you have been following along for any length of time, you know that I make menu plans during the school year and even plan leftovers to avoid throwing food away.
I went in search of a new freezer inventory printable that fit my style. I came upon DIY Home Sweet Home and her organizational binder printables.
I printed off two: one for the freezer in the kitchen and one for the chest freezer in the basement. Then I had to find my winter gloves for pulling everything out of the freezer- I highly recommend gloves if you are doing this to a chest freezer.
A piece of scrap paper and pencil (I suggest a pencil because it works in the cold and won't smear if it gets wet from frost) were the only other tools I needed.
Did you go grab this printable?
My long-time friend Angel from
gave me great tips for freezer inventories years ago.
I pull organize it into piles (laundry baskets in my case) by type (pork, beef, vegetables, ready-to-eat, burger, etc) as I pull it out of the freezer.
Then as I put it back in, I write the item and quantity on the scratch paper. I do this on scratch paper, so when I find the one rouge package of corn I don't have to mess up my pretty list. I put the bigger and rarely used items like the whole turkey, hams, and stock in the bottom. I then filled a cardboard box (I have lots due to my internet shopping problem) with all the steaks and venison. Under that hanging basket was perfect for burger packs and pork chops. The basket held things like jam jars and hot dogs.
I then did the same thing to the freezer in the kitchen; we have a side-by-side fridge. I pulled everything out, sorted it, and put it back in with items on separate shelves.
Click below to get Angel's book from Amazon.
It is free to Kindle Unlimited customers!
As I was going through both freezers I threw out stuff that wasn't labeled, was old, or wasn't a portion big enough for one person: this wasn't much, but there were two sandwich baggies of something brown and unidentifiable that I pitched. I also pulled out items that I thought we could use in the next few days:
-A small bowl of chicken soup
-Two bags of bean soup
-Frozen fruit
-One serving of Dole Whip
-Two large chicken breasts
-Two bags of bean soup
-Frozen fruit
-One serving of Dole Whip
-Two large chicken breasts
I made smoothies today for the girls and I.
What is in your freezer that you could use this weekend?
This morning I baked zucchini bread, two stratas (one for now and one to freeze) and made another batch of jam. My kitchen was a mess when I got done.
Overall it was very successful couple of days in my kitchen.
No picture from this one, but we are planning a luau party with some friends in order to grill off the massive quantities of meat in our freezer.