Currently October

7:50 AM Sarah Koves 2 Comments

I am not sure how this month got away from me, but here is my currently post for October.  Thanks Farley for the great linky and template!

Smurtz got up with me this morning, and she is hard at work with her Minecraft.  The dishwasher is also running the remains of our first steak dinner from our 1/4 side of beef that came.  It was AMAZING!

I am loving that fall tv is back on.  I certainly missed The Big Bang Theory and Grey's Anatomy.

I actually have a few moments this morning, so I am going to get at least three more posts going for this week including my new series Menu Monday.  Please stop by and check out last Monday because I would love the feedback.

I don't know what Smurtz is going to be yet, but Potumus wants to be a car hop girl.  I need to get those costume pieces ordered (what I don't make), so they are ready for the 25th party at Grandma's house.  I am also trying to convince my hubby that a pair of Tieks is in order for me...still working on that one.

All I have to say is two day weekends are NOT long enough, especially after homecoming week.

Treats...always...I have a terrible sweet tooth.

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