Freebie Friday: Substitute Plan Form

3:30 AM Sarah Koves 0 Comments

I hate to admit it, but I am starting to think about heading back to school.  That means a whole new set of classes, which means it is time to update my Sub Plan Form. 

During my first years teaching, whenever I had to be gone, I would carefully type out all the directions for each class, but I never included classroom expectations or procedures.  

I was fortunate to be hired in December a week after graduation, so I never had to spend a semester or more subbing in area schools.  I didn't know how important general classroom information was to the substitute.  It wasn't until I was planning for maternity leave several years later that it dawned on me to include classroom procedures and expectations in those plans.

The idea of a substitute planning form started as a project for my maternity leave, but when I returned, I continued to use it each time I had to be out of the classroom.  Now I am sharing it with you.

Sub Planning Form

The newly updated version has directions on how to make a copy for each year or term. You can copy and paste to add more classes or delete some if you have fewer.  We have seven periods right now, but we used to run six.  You can also copy the whole schedule if you are going to be gone for multiple days.

I used to make a new copy of my yearly template each time I was going to be gone.  Now I just edit the template for that year right in my Google Drive each time I am going to be gone.  Then I download it as a pdf and email it off.  I use a pdf because it can be opened on any device.

Sub Planning Form

The first several pages are the core information about the course.  I have my examples and questions/suggestions for you in red.  Edit it as you need to fit your classroom and procedures.

These pages are all editable too, so if you have different expectations or procedures in different classes, you can adjust.  Sometimes teachers have classes in multiple buildings with different information, and these pages can be updated for each building.
Sub Planning Form
The sub plans themselves contain an example plan from my classroom.

The periods all have a place for the subject, times, and students who can be trusted to help out in the class.

Underneath is a numbered list of assignments, which you could ask the substitute to cross them off as they complete them to help you figure out where to pick up on your return.

Sub Planning Form

Hopefully, you find this as useful as I do when preparing for the new year and days out of the classroom.  Please don't forget to leave some feedback on the download.

I leave this form and my Substitute Feedback Form for my subs to communicate back to me.

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