5 for Friday: Giveaway, Conferences, and Reads
Doodlebugs Teaching for Five for Friday is a perfect way to start getting back in the swing of things, so here are five things that have to do with education from my week.
If you follow me on Instagram, and you should, you saw this email came this week. I have been invited to present at miGoogle, our Michigan Google Conference.
I will be doing a longer session of a training I did for PD Without Borders.
I stumbled upon a blog post this week that I feel needs to be shared: 20 Ways to Enjoy Teaching. We can always use reminders on how to avoid the drama and focus on the students.
How do you help remember why you enjoy teaching?
Monday thru Wednesday of this week I attended the Assessment Now conference offered by Solution Tree. The brought all kinds of big-wigs in the areas of assessment and grading together. The highlight of the three days was getting hear Thomas Guskey speak as our closing keynote. Everything I have heard about him read of his work is true, and he lives what he says
He has the most soothing voice of any speaker.
I found a great Michigan Radio Broadcast from April that provides some food for thought.
What do you think?