Songs of Everealm Author Interview and Giveaway
Song of Sovereign (Songs of Everealm #1)
by J.D. Wright
by J.D. Wright
Princess Sarita has everything. Loving parents, a castle fit for royalty, fine clothes, loyal friends, and an exciting job as a scholar of magic. At eighteen years of age, one might think that she would be content with her position. But one thing has always been missing from her life... full magic, itself.
When a strange old woman gave Sarita a secret spellbook as a child, her entire life was changed. The book contains spells, songs, and stories. But most of all, it provides a path to gaining full magic, the only thing that Sarita still needs to feel complete. And now, she has finally prepared to leave her home in search of the Stones of the Divine, the final ingredient she needs to gain magic.
Gabrielle has been known as the sister of a knight and best friend of the princess for as long as she can remember. Now an experienced healer's assistant, she is desperate to find her place and purpose in Junacave. An adventurous mission to help Sarita locate a mystical stone may be just the change in her life that she is looking for.
King Cassidy is still alone, but not for a lack of trying. His attempts to convince the Princess of Junacave to marry him over the past ten years have been for naught. And being twenty years old, with no heir, he is running out of time. If he can't win the heart of the princess, he may have to face a future without the love of his life.
Adventure, romance, and magic await as we travel through Everealm with royalty, wizards, fairies, and more, in the fantasy-romance Songs of Everealm, a five book series by J.D. Wright, author of the Everealm Series.
Note: Adult Content
Songs of Everealm Series is the second series set in the fantasy-filled Everealm. It begins eight years after the conclusion of the first series, the Everealm Series.
Adventure, romance, and magic await as we travel through Everealm with royalty, wizards, fairies, and more, in the fantasy-romance Songs of Everealm, a five book series by J.D. Wright, author of the Everealm Series.
Note: Adult Content
Songs of Everealm Series is the second series set in the fantasy-filled Everealm. It begins eight years after the conclusion of the first series, the Everealm Series.
I have received a complimentary copy of this book to review. The opinions here are 100% mine! This post contains affiliate links.
Song of Sparrows (Songs of Everealm #2)
by J.D. Wright
The journey across Everealm to find the magical stones has not come without its challenges. After being plagued by unwanted guests, disagreements, and accidents, Princess Sarita is beginning to wonder if her dream of gaining magic is a fantasy that can't come true.
Along the way, new friends and rekindled sparks between old flames have caused quite a stir within the group. As a new wizard joins the effort and gives the princess a reason to continue, the quest for the next stone ensues...
As the sun rises over the ridge, our story continues into the Song of Sparrows!
Adult content. Intended for mature audiences.
While not books that I would use or recommend in my classroom, these were the perfect summer read for me on my deck while the girls swim. Fantasy romance is one of my favorite genres, and The Songs of Everealm do not disappoint. I am anxiously hoping for another book in the series as Princess Sarita is a wonderful heroine.
Writing has always been a hobby of mine, beginning as a young child. It was a way to cope with losing my father at seven years of age. I started with poetry and was featured several times on the amazing poetry blog, Autumn Leaves, by Sondra Ball. My love for poetry soon led to writing songs in middle school and beyond, which I still do occasionally. Music has always been an important part of my existence, so writing songs came naturally to me. In high school, I started my own novel, however, life got in the way and I never finished it.
Fast forward many years later and I find myself married with three children, absorbed in my busy life with commitments to my family, work, school, church, and charities, among other things. One day I came across my old binder, with notes from my first novel, and it was with those notes that I conjured up the elusive Everealm.
I write to please readers such as myself, who have a love for fantasy and romance, but like a little danger and sex in their reading. I wrote the book with a mature audience in mind, who can appreciate a hearty imaginary world with magic and the unknown, but want more than fluffy love stories with wizards in them. They want the romance, magic, and danger, all wrapped into one.
Author Links:
I had a chance to talk with J.D. about her writing process. Her favorite authors and movies are some of my favorites, so I know we would get on splendidly.
I tend to listen to music and binge read when I need to get back into the writing mood. Music helps me to focus and reading inspires me to continue telling my own stories. Depending on my mood, I might binge watch a show or a few movies on Netflix, too. If you haven’t noticed, I do a lot of binging. It’s probably due to my over-ambitious personality.
What advice do you have for young/student writers?
I recommend writing to please yourself and telling the story as you would want to read it. Not everyone will like your story and that’s alright. You’ll find like-minded readers who do and those will become your target readers. There is an audience for every author. You’ll eventually find yours.
I don’t really do a lot of revisions. Mostly, it’s because I write with a heavy outline so I know where the story is going long before I begin to write it. The outline, however, I do revise several times until I get it finished. Once I’ve finished writing, my editing process consists of 1-2 re-reads, listening via text-to-speech, run-through with the proofreader, and a final reading on my kindle (mostly to check for formatting).
What book has influenced you the most? Why?
I wish I could say that there was one book in particular that has influenced me but there hasn’t been. Strangely enough, my favorite book is a Little House on the Prairie novel from childhood. Because I read many different genres, I tend to draw inspiration from all of them in some form or another. I also watch a lot of movies and tend to write my scenes as I see them play out in my head. So if anything, I might be more influenced by my favorite movies: Love Actually, Steel Magnolias, Sweet Home Alabama, & Pearl Harbor. Yes, I know. Sappy woman movies… Guilty, as charged.