Sunday Scoop 9/13
Back to school means back to linking up on Sundays with Teaching Trio for The Sunday Scoop
1) Well, I no longer have long lazy days to do my laundry, so I am back to the try and wash a load a day to fold and put away on the weekends. My living room has four clean baskets sitting there waiting to be folded. I have four baskets to finish washing in the basement, and my comforter needs a good washing too (that requires a trip across town to the laundry mat).
2) I want to bake zuchinni muffins and snicker doodles for the week today to help make mornings easier. I also pull all the lunch stuff for the week up from the pantry area in the basement, so we can grab and go in the morning. Other than the baking, this shouldn't be too laborious of a task.
3) Last year I had my teacher binder done before school started, but this year with construction and last minute schedule changes, I have yet to finish it, so I will hopefully go into week 2 with it ready and prettier than ever. I will Periscope or YouTube it when I am done.
1) We picked tomatoes yesterday, but the beans need to be picked again. We will be having these with our pork roast for dinner, so that is my motivation to get this done.
1) I have about 4 unfinished blog posts and a ton of articles saved to share with all of you, so I would like to get some of those scheduled for this week as it is homecoming and with a high schooler now, I am sure I will be busy this week.
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