Blogger Exchange of Teachers Pay Teachers Product and Giveaway

9:30 PM Sarah Koves 1 Comments

I just finished up participating in a fabulous Teachers Pay Teachers product exchange organized by

Learning to be Awesome
 Who also happens to be a past SLANT box partner!

I got paired up with The Teacher Team

I received a copy of their Shades of Meaning lesson.

I used this product with my 11th grade English classes who are currently in between literature and writing units as we prepare for the ACT test that Michigan administers in March.  I thought this would be great to help them with their word choice in writing.

I started with the Power Point to introduce shades of meaning with examples using temperature and volume.  We even practices speaking in different shades.  The students had a blast doing this because I was giving them permission to be loud.

When we got to the temperature shades, the students added examples of their own and explained where they thought they would fit on the thermometer.

Then a quick review of synonyms, and we were off like a prom dress as my mother would say.

I chose to project the assessment that came with this instead of making copies to save paper.

We did the first one together on the board.

Students spent the rest of the hour looking up the words they didn't know (what a great secondary gain from this activity-new vocabulary) and discussing where the terms were positive or negative.  The students had great conversations about the words, what they meant, and which words were paired together.  I got to spend a few minutes just enjoying their conversations, which is unusual in a class of mostly teenage boys.

I would recommend this product to anyone looking to build word choice.  It would even work and a self-standing lesson to use on a day where you need a quick sub plan.  I have taught grades 6-12 during my career and this unit would work well for any of those grades.  I will probably be repeating this with my AP Literature class very soon. 

Thanks so much to The Teacher Team for sharing.  Be sure to enter my TPT giveaway and check out the other exchanges below.

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