A Teachers Pay Teachers Wishlist and Giveaway
Yesterday I looked at the calendar and realized that I have only three, yes 3, weeks of school until first semester exams. Then it will be CHRISTMAS VACATION! That means two full weeks of family, food, and fun. It will also mean prepping for our new J-Term classes and second semester. All that prep is a little overwhelming, but thankfully, Teachers Pay Teachers is having their Cyber Monday Sale this week. I put together a list of my top wish listed items for you to peruse in your PJs. I'm also giving away two TPT gift cards during the sale.
Be sure to scroll all the way to check out my giveaway and the hop to 12 other giveaways.
Also, Monday and Tuesday, my entire store will be 20% off, so you can save up to 28% on the products you need for winter.
Not only is my budget unit my top wish-listed item, but it is also my top seller. This unit takes students through pricing items for living on their own such as groceries, furniture, and a car. It can also be used for the younger grade levels too with parental support.
The Teacher Team did a great review of this product this past February. Check out their REVIEW.
These little mailing label rubrics have been a time saver for me over the last two years. I love printing, grading, and going with them. I have a whole post on how I use them.
The last of my top wish-listed items is my Autobiography Unit. This unit takes students through writing their autobiography; it can be used as a whole or broken down and used as individual segments.
The Purple Teacher did a great review of the Autobiography Unit.
Be sure to check out all the other great wishlists on Daisy Designs.
I hope you enjoy the Cyber Monday Sale and get stocked up for the end of 2016 and the start of 2017.