How I Support Our Soccer Team
My oldest daughter was a freshman this past school year. With high school came varsity sports: she played two. During the summer, fall, and winter she was a member of the varsity pompon squad. While on the pom team, she met some girls that pushed her to join the soccer team in the spring.
She did.
I don't just support teams that my kids are on. I find that many of the programs and coaches at our school build better students and, more importantly, better citizens. Our football team does community service, high school runners help those just starting, etc. Many of the school athletes are my students and member of the National Honors Society, which I advise. Together we are working to create better people. It really does take a village.
Our girls' soccer team is only in its second year, so it needs all the support that it can get. I work with the coach's fiance, so I volunteered to help.
After meeting with the coach, it was decided that a pressing need for the team was soccer bags. This way the girls could have all their soccer stuff in one spot and a soccer ball. Then the coach wouldn't have to cart the team balls back and forth each day.
This post contains affiliate links. I also received samples of these products in exchange for reviews, but these words and opinions are 100% my own.
Dick's Sporting Goods has and has had for some time a match offer on Donors Choose for team sports projects. Since I have been able to raise almost $10,000 for projects in my classroom and school, this seemed the best way to go.
We shopped through the available products and found a set of Diadora Soccer Bags on Amazon that were perfect. We chose black to match the girls' warm-ups instead of going with out school colors.
Coach and I shared the project for about two weeks (and each made a small donation) before we were fully funded. The girls were in the middle of winter conditioning when the bags arrived, and we were all pretty excited.

In addition to funding the bag project through Donors Choose, I was able to use my blogging review sites to snag some soccer balls from Quattro.
These soccer balls come in a variety of styles and sizes.
These soccer balls come in a variety of styles and sizes.
You can also order custom soccer balls from them as well. These would be perfect for a tournament or fundraiser.
I don't know if my daughter will continue playing soccer next year, but I do know that I loved watching the girls play and enjoyed helping to build a program at our school that I find worthwhile.