The Ten Minute In-service Book Study Part I-Sections 1-4

11:29 AM Sarah Koves 0 Comments

The opinions here are 100% mine!  This post contains affiliate links.

This week kicks off the first of six posts looking at how we apply the lessons in Todd Whitaker and Annette Breaux's book The Ten Minute Inservice.  Five other teacher bloggers and I are sharing the lessons we have learned from this book of quick hits for teachers and schools.

Currently a large number of the teachers at my school are going through CHAMPS training.  I was fortunate enough to do this almost ten years ago, so I am not doing that professional development.  However, I am glad that I got the section on Classroom Management because it ties nicely in with what our school is working on right now and gives me a refresher for my own classroom.
Get Their Attention

Any teacher of high school students will tell you that getting their attention is the most important procedure you can establish.  This simple procedure can save many precious minutes of instructional time.
I like having a couple of ways to get their attention:

Turn the lights off

Words- "Ladies and Gentlemen"
Sound- A clap and they repeate

What do you use to get your class' attention?
Rules and Procedures

Rules and procedures are very different things in a classroom.  You should have a few rules- I have three- and a lot of procedures.

I pick my rules, but every year my students help establish what they look and sound like.
Be Honest

Be On Time and Prepared

Be Respectful

This works very well for me with juniors and seniors, and we keep these posted all year.

I have procedures for all kinds of things:
Use of Chromebooks
Retaking Tests

What do you have procedures for in your classroom?
Address Misbehavior

The focus of this section is about having a private conversation with a student who is a chronic misbehavior for a minor infraction (such as talking repeatedly out of turn).  I love this idea paired with the Love and Logic idea of delayed consequences.

My go-to phrase with students is "I can't talk with you about your behavior now, but I will talk with you about it after class."  This is not said to the student in a big production in front of other students but either said directly to him or her in a low tone or with a sticky note.  This allows my students to save face, know they aren't getting away with anything, and have that consequence of worrying about what is going to happen.
Sharing Tips

I think this was my favorite of all the tips in the first section because it pulls from the collective knowledge of all the staff.  Our staff recently did this when talking about school and classroom rewards.  We met and compiled a master list of all the rewards we could offer students in the classroom and as a whole school.

The idea for all teachers share their best classroom management tip is perfect for an online community, so that is what I would like you to do:

Share your best classroom management tip in the comments below!

Grab your own copy and follow along with us this month.

Be sure to check out the posts from my co-hosts

Part II: Teaching Practices
on 3/12
Part III: Improving School Climate
on 3/19

Part IV: Learning from Others
on 3/26

Part V: What Makes a Great Teacher?
on 4/2

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